Global Certification Network Association and DEKRA Certification Services certify FUCO-HEG Maschinenbau GmbH the introduction and effective application of a quality management system in line with DIN EN ISO 9001 for the units:

Development, construction and production of machines and special systems.

The quality management is subject to regular voluntary monitoring.

Welding specialist with major verification of suitability

According to DIN 18 800-7, section 6.2 with extension according to DIN 15 018-2, crane.


Authorized specialist according to § 19 l Water resources act [WHG]

As a manufacturer of industrial cleaning systems we are subject to the conditions of the§ 19 l – WHG.

Accordingly an operator of cleaning plants according to – VAwS ? must observe the following:

According to § 19 l, Par. 1 of the WHG cleaning plants have to be installed, maintained and operated to the extent that a contamination of inshore waters is not to be feared. The principles for satisfying this principle of concern are regulated by various state laws.

The “lower water authority” at the place of installation is responsible.